Tag Archives: why

Why Did God Allow…

There are things in the Bible that cause people to wonder, “Why did God allow this?” Let’s notice two such things. 1.  Polygamy? God created only one man and one woman in the first home (Genesis 2:21-25; 3:21). Polygamy or … Continue reading

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Why Did Jesus Come to Earth?

“Why did the Savior heaven leave, and come to earth below where men His grace would not receive? Because He loves me so/Why did the Savior mark the way, and why temptation know? Why tech and toil and plead the … Continue reading

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The Testing of Israel

Some have wondered – why God did not better supply the children of Israel as they journeyed towards the promised land.  At times, they went without adequate water (Exodus 17:3; Numbers 20:2).  At times, they hungered (Exodus 16:3; Deuteronomy 8:3).  Now, it … Continue reading

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An elderly couple returning from visiting family are killed in a car crash. A young family is killed when a tornado rips through their house. A young mother is swept away by a tsunami. A young father is killed in … Continue reading

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Acts of Worship – Practice of Giving (Part 1)

The early church was liberal in their giving (Acts 2:44-45; 4:32-35).  They gave not only money, but themselves to the Lord (2 Corinthians 8:1-5). The Jews of old were instructed to give: (1) They were to leave a portion of … Continue reading

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